Grow your Hive Count with the 2 Frame Mini Mating Nuc / Queen Mating Nuc / Backyard Beekeeping

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Check out David at Barnyard bees, he is the beekeeper that I first ever seen use this 2 frame nuc!
    These are the links to a few of David's Videos.....
    • 2 Frame Mini Nucs To I...
    • 2 Frame Queen Mating N...
    This is a great way to grow your hive count!
    The 2 frame nuc has worked well for me and it can for you as well!
    Good Luck to all and Thanks for Watching!
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Комментарии • 35

  • @ME_MeAndMyBees
    @ME_MeAndMyBees 2 года назад +1

    Like David at Barnyard Bees as well ! Cool collection of x2 Frame Nuc in his Apiary... even if it is across the Pond ! 😄

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  2 года назад

      Yes, I've enjoyed watching David's videos for years and have learned alot from him. :)

  • @houstonsheltonbees814
    @houstonsheltonbees814 2 года назад +2

    I just found your channel and Subbed. Nice setup 👍 God bless

  • @mohameddacher5064
    @mohameddacher5064 2 года назад +1

    Good job 👌

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching and commenting! 👍

    • @mohameddacher5064
      @mohameddacher5064 2 года назад

      @@backyardbeekeeperguy9934 you are the most welcome
      I have a question about the advantages of raising the number of the population of the colonies before winter .
      In the place where I lelive there are plants that give flowers during winter and my friends told me about swarming in winter .

  • @MohamedUAE
    @MohamedUAE Год назад

    Nice video over all. I am a hobby beekeeper, but I wanted to tell you that next time try to find the queen "first" in this type of procedures as she is your main source of your hive, with out her your hive will struggle and might die. Other than that you have amazing bee yard out there.. and I wish you all the best.

  • @MrRojoneck
    @MrRojoneck Год назад +1

    Found this video searching 2 frame nucs as I'm very interested in making some of my own for queen rearing and having extra queens on standby for my apiary or even to sell off. I have a question about the 2 frame hives themselves...all 2 frame nucs I've seen have a solid bottom board. Would you find it useful or advantageous to use a screened bottom board on a 2 frame nuc?
    Instead of building a two piece nuc, like you have in this video (body and top) just add a third piece to the design, a screened bottom. Just curious what your thoughts would be?
    In my mind it would be advantageous as far as more ventilation and better pest control, allowing mites and overall cleanliness of the hive allowing debris to fall through the screen to the ground below instead of staying in the hive.
    Thanks for any advice, experience or wisdom.

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  Год назад

      @MrRojoneck I have moved away from using screened bottom boards completely in my yard. The screened bottom board does help with ventilation but I was finding that alot of pests liked hang out right under the screen. So my experience was that I had more problems using the screened boards than any good they provided. During the summer I will just shim my lids to help with ventilation.
      I've never seen a 2 frame nuc made up with a screened bottom but that doesn't mean it's not a good idea. I would encourage you to give it a try, it seems a comparison between screened and non screened would make a great youtube video.
      Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @howardmcadams3852
    @howardmcadams3852 3 года назад +2

    Where are you located in Oklahoma Sir. I am in Kingfisher Oklahoma. Thanks for Sharing this with us Sir

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  3 года назад +1

      Hello Howard, thanks for watching and commenting! I'm located in Tuttle, Oklahoma :)

  • @davidsoloninka7742
    @davidsoloninka7742 11 месяцев назад

    … also how do u feed the 5 frame nuc? Thx

  • @aleksserbia9677
    @aleksserbia9677 2 года назад +1

    Nice vid. Can you tell me how long it takes for them to come to the stage when you move them to 5 frame nuc?
    I plan to use 2 frame nucs next year so any info will be helpfull.

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  2 года назад +2

      Hello and thanks for watching! How long it takes will vary on the resources available to your bees for forage. During a good nectar flow they can fill a 2 frame nuc within a week or two. If you leave them to long they will want to swarm. If they try to swarm you can always make more mini nucs with the extra swarm cells. Its smart to have extra queens available when needed! I hope this helps. Thanks for commenting!

    • @aleksserbia9677
      @aleksserbia9677 2 года назад

      @@backyardbeekeeperguy9934 Thanks for your answer. You help me a lot.

  • @jamescraig8601
    @jamescraig8601 Год назад +1

    Hi,I've tried two frame nucs in the past. Generally the bees abscond. Any suggestions why. Three frame boxes work good for me. Southern Indiana.

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  Год назад +1

      Hi James thanks for commenting. When you put together your 2 frame nuc you want a frame with brood at all stages. The nurse bees wont usually leave the brood.

  • @davidsoloninka7742
    @davidsoloninka7742 11 месяцев назад +1

    How do u feed the 2 frame nuc? Thx

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  11 месяцев назад

      I didn't feed the one in this video. This one was done during a nectar flow. If no nectar flow, you can put a hole in the lid to add a bottle of sugar water. Check out this short I put out yesterday. You can see an example of how I've done the top for feeding.
      I hope this helps!

  • @davidsoloninka7742
    @davidsoloninka7742 Год назад +1

    Have u tried the demaree split?… if so do u have a link to the video?

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  Год назад

      I had to look this up as i dont have a video or use this process for splitting. In the video, the gentleman was killing nice big swarm cells and then proceeding to do the demaree split. Swarm cells are perfect for making splits in 2 frame nucs. I never kill nice big swarm cells. Swarm cells equal free hives for me, so having nuc equipment available is smart. Thanks again for watching!

  • @ME_MeAndMyBees
    @ME_MeAndMyBees 2 года назад

    I like x2 Frame Nucs too here in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
    Made x4 today, as a x5 Nuc has x4 Queen Cells. Isolate x1 Frame with Queen on it.
    Added Frame of Bees to each Mini Nuc Box. Added a Queen Cell pressed into the 1st Frame re Bees. Added a donor Capped Brood Frame, with some Honey.
    Re Queen Cell positioning: Scrape a Recess into Brood Frame as a indent, so the QC has a good empty area under and on both sides. With a good wedge of undisturbed Wax above it (cut out of area of original Brood Comb, several Cells on one Frame.) This fully capped QC should attach fine. And mature, and hatch on Day x16 ! Remember:
    You need Drones to mate that Queen. 👑
    Tip :
    x2 Fame Nucs can be made from eg Dumpster Timber (Often by construction sites, or local new Fencing etc.) Nice easy DIY project, and cheap to do. Try it !
    Will need to have a well Reduced Entrance (even close it up for 48hrs.) That way Bees get busy making Home... and kind of forget to 'fly' back to their ex Hive... I use Beeswax to close or reduce access. Easy. 👍
    August here is rather Wasp ridden... so Guard Bees need all the help they can get ! Do reduce entrance to help build these dinky Colonies up.
    Good to give them 1:1 Syrup to keep them busy settling in.
    A x2 Framer is fine as long as they to don't make QC's.
    Tip :
    When adding to a x5 Nuc, I prefer not to break Brood up, if not fully Capped as Larva can chill and Die.
    Better to add x2 Frames in near centre, a fully Drawn Comb on outer slot, and a x2 Frame Dummy Board in position Frame 4 and 5. [Dummy Board : Piece of Timber same length width as x2 Frames. Made with some Insulation Block Foam (Block Glued and Screwed to this top bar. Easy Dumpster diving project. 😉
    Bees will build up much more if they are on the more compact manner, than loads of 'space'.
    Hope this helps New Beeks. 😎
    Happy Beekeeping 2022.
    You can have several x2 Frame Nucs in a Row, they shelter each other.
    You can also make Eck Shims to aid feeding Fondant, or a Shallow Syrup Feeder. Will Winter fine if well Breed, well Feed, and are sheltered from the Wet ! Wet kills more than harsh Cold. 👀

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  2 года назад

      Awesome comment! Thanks for sharing! Trust me, I know how to use that dumpster retrieved material! I don't remember if I mentioned it in the video but the material for this 2 frame nuc I picked up out of the trash on big trash day here in my area! :) Thanks and happy Beekeeping!! 🐝🍯

  • @davidsoloninka7742
    @davidsoloninka7742 Год назад +1

    R u a le feed the bee’s in the 2 frame nuc when they r building up?… if so how? Thx DS

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  Год назад

      I usually do splits in the 2 frame nuc boxes during a nectar flow and provide a frame with food when splitting. I try not to feed unless absolutely necessary. If feed was needed, a hole can be put in the top of the box and sugar water included in a Mason jar or old pop bottle. If top feeding in this way, i would recommend covering the bottle with another box or something to block direct sunlight. Hope this helps! Thanks for watching and commenting!

  • @lewisdmorgan7863
    @lewisdmorgan7863 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @mitchmitchellp2868
    @mitchmitchellp2868 3 года назад

    Hello sir, what is the advantage of a 2 frame nuc, do they make more bees?

    • @backyardbeekeeperguy9934
      @backyardbeekeeperguy9934  3 года назад +3

      Hello, making splits this way you dont need as many bees and resources. The bees tend to fill out these rather quickly so as they fill up you can move them into a 5 frame nuc or split them into more 2 frame nucs. It never hurts to have extra queens! Hope this answers your question. Thank you for watching.

    • @mohameddacher5064
      @mohameddacher5064 2 года назад

      @@backyardbeekeeperguy9934 I use only one-frame splits mainly in spring and it is successful way . On May I divided on one frame and queens managed to mate and now they are on 6 to 7 frames

  • @gloryrose2338
    @gloryrose2338 3 года назад +1

    Honey really soon.